Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 is out now for consultation with the Department for Education laying out its planned changes for next September. 

The consultation focuses on the impact of the 2021 guidance rather than introducing any new or significant changes. Instead the consultation builds on existing messages including those on domestic abuse and sexual violence and sexual harrassment, which has been incorporated into KCSIE 2022 from the DfE sexual violence and sexual harassment guidance.

Also worth noting is that the term peer-on-peer abuse has been replaced with child-on-child to reflect the fact that abuse often takes place between children and young people of different ages. 

Another message KCSIE 2022 guidance builds on is around the theme of disclosure, the topic of our most recent webinar. A new paragraph has been introduced that sets out how children may not feel ready or know how to tell someone they are being abused. 

Disclosure is perhaps one of the biggest challenges around safeguarding with preventative measures often taking precedence. Anyone who has worked with children and young people will know, however, that no matter how many barriers you put in their way or times you tell them not to do something – the chances are they still will. 

We recognise this huge challenge, which is one of the reasons DSLs value our monitoring software because it helps to directly address this issue.

For more information about how we support greater disclosure, book a free 10-minute consultation with us using the link below.


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