Securus 360 combines our XT & NET technology to provide self-managed monitoring at both the device- and network-level.
We understand that each school has different needs for monitoring pupil activity and that safeguarding policies & processes vary across different education settings.
That’s why we offer the option to self-manage Securus, with full access to the capture portal – providing screenshot evidence and dynamic reporting for both online & offline activity in ALL applications.
How Does It Work?
Monitoring at device-level and network-level
Our device-level software features advanced monitoring functionality – capturing online, offline, typed and untyped activity across Windows & Chromebook devices.
Our network-level monitoring delivers enhanced safety across all devices including iPads, Mac, Android & Mobile Devices – and supports Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies.
Capture Severity Levels
Securus has a built in library of 24+ categories with dynamic grading and levels of severity in accordance with DfE’s Keeping Children Safe in Education and child protection agencies:
Severity 1
Low grade capture – low level incident with no risk factor
Severity 2
Low to Medium grade capture – usually off task or non typed incident
Severity 3
Medium grade capture – potentially unsafe behaviour for consideration
Severity 4
Medium to High grade capture – clear safeguarding incident identified for review and immediate action
Severity 5
High grade capture – urgent safeguarding incident indicating immediate risk or harm
Key Benefits
Implementation & setup configured to school specific requirements.
Miss Nothing
Monitor ALL devices including iPads, Mac computers, Chromebooks, Windows, Android & Mobile Phones, providing support for BYOD initiatives for Ofsted.
Full Support & Training
Unlimited online training and access to the Support Team & Knowledge Base – all part of our cost-effective self-managed monitoring solution covering ALL devices.
Reinforces and supports positive pupil behaviour and well-being.
Meets DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance, Ofsted inspection requirements & ISI framework.
Integration with MyConcern & CPOMS reduces the need for unnecessary additional system interactions.
Some Key Threats We Monitor For
Cyber Bullying
Sexual Harm
Drugs & Gang Culture
Mental Health Issues, Suicide & Self Harm
Online Grooming
Hacking the School Network
Hate Speech

What Our Customers Say
“ Securus is an easy to use, one stop shop method of monitoring activity. It allows me to check weekly, quickly and easily and most importantly, reliably. ”
Beverley Short, Administrative ManagerDouglas Valley Nursery School
“ At Northleigh House School we provide a safe learning environment for vulnerable secondary aged children suffering from anxiety. We are dedicated to the safety and wellbeing of all our students and Securus is in place to monitor our Windows laptop devices, highlighting any incidents of concern taking place on the school network and providing staff with hard evidence and key protection to safeguard our children ”
Northleigh House SchoolWarwick
“ We have used Securus for many years and over this time we have watched it grow from strength to strength. It has transformed the behaviour of our students. Securus has helped to detect student safeguarding issues and the evidence is used by our student support department to help provide a safe, caring environment for all students as well as helping us to enforce our acceptable use policy ”
Sidmouth College Devon
“ Securus has been instrumental in safeguarding our students over the past years and alerts us to any misuse on the computer systems. Securus is flexible enough to keep up with the constantly changing world and trends. The widespread monitoring on our school system has even surprised our own students ”
Alcester Grammar School,Warwickshire
“ We allow our students to take laptops home. To ensure the continued appropriate use of technology, Securus will monitor off site activity and store it until back on the school network, where any captures can be viewed. Our students are from 13 to 18 years old and they know when they log in to use the ICT suite, that any inappropriate behaviour will be flagged and dealt with, which teaches them to use school technology safely ”
Berwick AcademyNorthumberland
“ I have been using Securus now for over five years and I would recommend it to anybody who has network responsibility. Securus is an integral part of our school network infrastructure and can be configured to provide other non-technical support professionals with access to support their other activities, this is very important to get the best out of the system ”
Queen Elizabeth’s High SchoolLincolnshire
“ We have found Securus to be an invaluable tool to help ensure that our pupils’ use of the school’s IT facilities is adequately monitored and it gives us the ability to act quickly to resolve them with clear and accurate evidence. Blocking and filtering of websites is not enough and Securus provides us with an extra layer of protection which is vital to ensuring that we safeguard our pupils in their use of school IT equipment ”
St John Bosco CollegeBattersea, London
“ We were prompted by our investigation into the recent government requirement to investigate the steps that we take to keep children safe from harm online from cyberbullying, pornography and the risk of radicalisation. We felt that Securus offered us the best possible solution in addressing the requirements of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ and the needs of our school ”
The Boulevard AcademyKingston upon Hull
“ I was sat in a School Governor meeting and hearing great feedback on the Securus Software that is installed at our school! Thanks for providing a fantastically secure and intelligent software to keep our children safe ”
Parent - St Charles Borromeo Catholic SchoolSurrey
“ We are one of the largest primary schools in Leicester with children from 3 to 11 years of age. Safeguarding our pupils is paramount and therefore having Securus in place gives us a better insight into what is happening on the network. We encourage our pupils to develop moral and social behaviours, so by monitoring their activity we can detect any instances that occur on the school devices and take appropriate action ”
Dovelands Primary SchoolLeicester
“ Securus has taken safeguarding to the next level here at The Gilberd School. We can quickly identify any threats to our students and deal with these in a timely manner. Support has been exceptional, especially helping us migrate our on-premise solution to their recently released cloud solution. The ability to share this “capture” information in an easy to navigate portal for other staff such as DLS and Senior Team has also made our monitoring very efficient ”
The Gilberd SchoolColchester
“ It's easy to manage Securus, as the server has been set up on the cloud and this means all updates are taken care of, leaving us to monitor. We check Securus daily as the quantity of captures is between 30-50 per day and therefore easy to manage. If a serious incident is captured it will be reported to the head of year, who will then take action ”
Bexley Grammar SchoolKent
“ As a Head, Secures gave me confidence that access to unsuitable material on the internet was not being locked (as kids know how to get round blocking systems ) but monitored and detected swiftly. The result was that the 450 boarders who had internet access from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm knew that they could access such material, but did not do so as they knew there would be consequences.... A genuine example of software which educates children ”
Paul Spencer Ellis, AdvisorSchool Improvement
“ Securus dovetails seamlessly with modern technology like Google Chromebooks and iPADs providing cutting edge monitoring of pupils activity, whilst on the network, searching the web. The product simply sells itself, it is literally a no brainer. What I can add is this, Securus also delivers, supports and continues to evolve its incredible innovation. I genuinely cannot ever see us not using this invaluable resource ”
St John's Church SchoolPeterborough
“ My feedback is simple – the service saves me potentially hours of additional work & is very cost effective. I am very happy with the service and do not have anything that I think should be changed or improved!In a nutshell – perfect ”
Caldecote Community Primary SchoolLeicester
“ The Securus Full Monitoring service has without doubt made our job far easier than it was previously and more importantly has enabled us to identify more concerns than we ever had before. Gone are the days where our IT technicians had to identify risky behaviour by our students online. Having Securus gives peace of mind to the designated safeguarding team, which is particularly important at a time when we have loaned out over 300 laptops to students during remote learning. I would recommend this service to any school without hesitation ”
The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic SchoolEaling
“ The Full Monitoring Service definately saves you time. It Is very cost effective, allowing senior leaders to focus on other matters but also to deal with screen captures quickly and objectively as they come about. We are really happy with the service; it has really helped with our safeguarding of pupils ”
Spinney Hill Primary SchoolLeicester
“ FMS saves a huge amount of time. To do this job effectively in-house, we would need a percentage of a Technician time set a-side. We don’t have enough as it is, so you are well worth the money! Very happy with the service. I like the fact that lines of communication are always open, and always honest. I cannot think of anything that could improve the service at the moment ”
Keyham Lodge & Millgate SchoolsLeicester