Safeguarding Legislation for Schools: The Latest Guidance & Standards All In One Place

No doubt you have some or all of the latest guidance and standards for online safety and keeping children safe in education, but we have compiled these all together, along with some additional important resources that are in place for schools.

You can view key information that supports senior leaders and DSLs when looking at monitoring solutions to safeguard pupils from digital harms.

Latest Safeguarding Legislation for Schools:

Keeping Children Safe in Education May 2024 (Draft) Guidance
Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2023 Guidance
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023
Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges
Prevent Duty Guidance 2023
Teaching Online Safety in Schools 2023
Online Safety Act 2023
Ofsted Education Inspection 5 year Framework Sept 2023
Sharing nudes and semi-nudes: advice for education settings working with children and young people
Securus UK Safer Internet Centre Monitoring Providers Responses

Real-World Safeguarding Scenarios in Schools

We have created a series of videos about Real-World Safeguarding Scenarios, which cover many topics of concern that highlight how a pupil could be at risk or in danger.

These scenarios are an important reminder of how safeguarding legislation for schools, combined with appropriate monitoring, safeguards children in education.

You can view the videos here:

Appropriate Monitoring for Schools – Securus

Safeguarding Legislation For SchoolsIf you would like to discuss how Securus will help you monitor and safeguard your pupils – get in touch with our team.

We can show you how our solutions monitor ALL devices and every application on the school network.

Additionally for those schools who feel time constraints impact on their ability to monitor incidents for themselves, we have the Securus Full Monitoring Service (Securus FMS) where our safeguarding team monitor activity on behalf of your school!

Get in touch
Do you have questions about safeguarding in education? Get in touch with our digital safeguarding experts to learn about our digital monitoring solutions for schools.